The new employee, when signing the receipt, added, "I won't mention it to anybody. I'm just as much ashamed of it as you are."
63. Change the sentences using not. (Consult §52.) Remember.
no is replaced by not ... any
nobody — not ... anybody
no one — not ... anyone
nothing — not ... anything
nowhere — not ... anywhere
never — not ... ever
neither ... nor — not ... either ... or
Example. I received no parcels yesterday".—
I did not receive any parcels yesterday.1. I have no French books. 2. We went nowhere after classes. 3. I see nothing in the dark. 4. We worked nowhere in summer. 5. We found nobody in the yard. 6. I never saw him. 7. I know neither his brother nor his sister. 8. No one has read this book. 9. She never played football.
64. Translate into English. Use two grammar forms (as in exercise 63).
Example. Я ніколи не катався на ковзанах на озері. I never skated on the lake.— -I did not ever skate on the lake. 1. Я нікому не даю книжок. 2. Він нічого не знає про мене. 3. Він ніколи не був художником. 4. Вона нікуди не писала листів. 5. Я не знав ані його батька, ані матері. 6. Вона не могла ні читати, ці писати по-англійськи. 7. Вона ніколи нічого не чує. 8. Мій брат нічого не робив удома.
65. Read the dialogues and make up similar ones.
— Do you know Roman's address?
— Yes, I do. He lives at number 21 Tykha Street. Why do you want to know his address?
— Our teacher asked me to visit him. He was absent today.