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2. An old lady asked a young man, "What time does the next train arrive and how long does it wait here?" "From two to two to two-two," was the reply. "Let's ask somebody else," the lady said to her husband, "this poor man stutters1."
71*. Translate into English in writing. 1. Коли літак на землі, коли він піднімається або при­земляється, з'являються оголошення: «Не палити! За­стебнути ремені!» 2. Йди до каси і купи два квитки в театр. 3. Йди до каси і купи два залізничні квитки. 4. Де можна купити авіаквиток? — У касі. 5. Де можна купити квиток на поїзд? — У касі. 72. Do task 8 on pages 118—120. Lesson 29
73. Read your translation (exercise 71 ). 74. Read and retell the jokes. Hotel Keeper: Here are a few views1 of our hotel for you to take with you, sir. Guest: Thanks, but I have my own views of your hotel.
*** Guest: Look here, the rain is simply pouring1 through the roof2 of my bedroom. Summer Hotel Proprietor3: Absolutely according to our prospectus, sir. Running water4 in every room.


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