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20. a) Read the word-combinations and sentences with the trans­lation.
b) Cover the left side of the page and translate into English.
the greatest interest to open a studio to open a school at the age of ... on board the ship to send messages his energy and enthusiasm to work hard an electric battery one thing after another to add more power to send the message fur­ther the short telegraphic sound still used Its speed could hardly measured. He had an idea. He worked hard. The invention was intro­duced to the public. найбільший інтерес відкрити майстерню відкрити школу у віці ... на борту корабля посилати повідомлення його енергія й ентузіазм наполегливо працювати електрична батарея одну річ за іншою збільшити потужність послати повідомлення далі короткий телеграфний сиг­нал все ще вживаний Його швидкість важко ви­міряти. У нього виникла ідея. Він багато працював. Винахід був представлений громадськості.
21*. Read the text (exercise 17) and answer the questions in writing.
22*. Do exercise 20b in 50 seconds.
Lesson 22
23. Read your answers (exercise 21 ). 2A. Do exercise 20b in 50 seconds. 25. a) Skim through the text to understand its general meaning. b) Read the text attentively and find the answers to the questions. THE TELEPHONE The telephone is a much younger invention than the telegraph. Fifty telegraph companies had already been operating in the United States alone, when the French mechanic Charles Boursel first suggested the idea of transmitting speech electrically. The first who put his idea


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