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to think very hard добре подумати to ask an advice — попросити поради, порадитися to be sure — бути упевненим to satisfy tastes — задовольняти смаки, уподобання 4. Read the text and translate it.
ELEVENTH-FORMERS NOW Now you are eleventh-formers. It means that this is your last school-year. You will pass your school-leaving examinations and Lave to decide how to use the knowledge you have received at school. The end of school is the beginning of your independent life, the beginning of a far more serious examination connected with your further study and labour activity. To pass that examination you must choose the road in life whîch will open before you. You must choose the occupa­tion in which you can best develop your talents and work with the best results for you personally and for your Motherland, Ukraine. A wide road lies open before you. And you must think very hard and ask an advice of your parents, your teachers and your friends to be. sure that you have chosen the right occupation in which you will be able to satisfy your own tastes and the needs of your country. 5. e)Ask different kinds of questions to the parts of sentences given below. b) Ask as many questions as you can to get more informa­tion from the sentences given below. (Consult §§ 53—58 on pages 176— 180.) I am an eleventh-former now. I'll pass my school-leaving examinations. My friend is an eleventh-former. 6*. Write down the words and word-combinations into your vo­cabularies (exercise 3 ). 7*. Write the answers to the questions (exercise 2).


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